So, You have created a website for yourself or your business and it runs well. But, you’ve tried to create something that look attractive too, and you're not able to do it and due to that your business website is actually harming your brand instead of promoting or growing it.

But don't worry! Every problem has a solution. You can improve your website and get it into a better shape by just few simple and efficient ways which includes:
Firstly, when a user enters a website, the respective user's focus goes straight to the top-left of the page. People may think that the user only looks for images and graphics, but, NO the user also looks out for the textual content of that particular website. This is where balance comes into place. The right balance will make your page more  attractive and easier to read.
The more the less the better. Remove all the unnecessary elements. This will allow the other important stuff to stand out from other useless items. Leaving some white space on the page will work well. Make your website as easy and friendly as it can for the user to get things easily. Otherwise, your visitor will get confused by darting their head from left to right in an attempt to look at all the information crammed on your screen. Or worse, they’ll click on a webite of your competitor.
There are times when the images and graphics on your website are overused in a page or a site. We fill up the site with objects that look cool but they are kind of useless and only increases the download time. 

Some examples you can use graphics and images to enhance your pages:
Title bars on site – Title bars makes it easier for the user to know that they are on which page.
Brand Logo – The Logo identifies your brand and enhances your page.
Images on background – The background images are used  make a web site more attractive and easier to navigate.
Photos – Helps in making a website more inviting.
The size and type of font you select will make an impact on how your visitor takes in your information. What font should you use? San-serif fonts such as Arial, Arial black and Verdana are popular choices for on-screen reading. Don’t forget about the size too. The font size shouldn’t be too small and also shouldn’t be too large. You don’t want the reader to be able to read the information from across the room, but you don’t want them leaning closer to the monitor either.
Everyone gets impatient when it takes much time to connect to a site. Consumers want it to be quick. Make sure that the loading time of the page is real quick. Eliminate useless graphics, especially flash graphics they can take long. If you want to make an immediate impression, then you must make your site as quick to run as possible.

If your website will be slow then only will you get is loss of clients and never gaining of clients again, because the users judge your website by its presentation and the time consumption in the load time of that particular website

Also, sincerely think about a complete redesigning of your website to give it a more modern look with practical and user friendly functionality.
You have great content, but are you displaying it effectively? Make your pages readable. Break up blocks of text and create short paragraphs. 
• Consider the key points on each page and create headings and subheadings. 
Don’t use too many fonts, only use two fonts. Select one font for your headings and subheadings and another for the body text. 
• Highlight key words and phrases by bolding or using a different color. Be careful with the colors, and don’t use every color in the rainbow. Many such as yellow and pink don’t stand out well if you’ve selected a white or black background.
Go simple! The background colors you choose have the ability to cover the overall appeal of the website. Lots of texture and graphics in the background can be distracting, and the more texture you add to the background, the less noticeable your text and images become. If you’re going to use a color on the background, make sure there is a significant contrast between the background color and the text.

Strike a good balance, or you may compromise the readability of the text. Make good choices. You will rarely go wrong with black text on a white background. It’s crisp, clean, and easy to read. Be cautious when using darker and brighter colors such as red or yellow. They cause the reader to lose their focus on the text.